The Indian Institute of Technology Madras, a renowned public technical university, is situated in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Acknowledged as an Institute of National Importance, it has been chosen as one of the eight public Institutes of Eminence in India.
The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, based in New Delhi, is a prestigious public technology institute. Established as one of 23 Indian Institutes of Technology, it's a Centre of Excellence for training, research, and development in science, engineering, and technology.
Evolving into one of the world's leading technical universities, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is recognized globally as a front-runner in engineering education and research
Founded in 1959 as one of the pioneering Indian Institutes of Technology, IIT Kanpur was established with the support of nine US research universities under the Kanpur Indo-American Programme. It was the first in India to offer computer science education.
IIT Roorkee, established in 1847 and based in Uttarakhand, holds the distinction of being the seventh IIT recognized as an Institution of National Importance. As the oldest technical institution in Asia given university status in 1949, it has a rich history of promoting technical research.